Friday, March 6, 2009

Chocolate Banana from Ice-Cream Gallery

I chanced upon Ice-Cream Gallery while sending my camera for repair. Similarly to Tom's Palette, U.d.d.e.r.s and Island Creamery, this is another place for home-made ice-cream. Although there are several flavours to try, the lady at the ice-cream parlour had a stern look so I have only tried 2 of the flavours, namely Vanilla and Valrhona chocolate ice-cream.

Just a brief mention about their ice-cream, the flavours has neutral combination of ingredients, thus not adventurous. Vanilla was just so-so while Valrhona chocolate was similar to Belgium chocolate ice-cream with a not-so-creamy texture. Not too bad but definitely not a must-try on my list.

Chocolate Banana

Daddy who came with me, had a slice of Chocolate Banana cake ($3.50 per slice or $4.90 with a cup of tea/coffee). Have to admit that we both prefer this over awfully chocolate's version. The cake has alternating moist, soft chocolate sponge and chocolate mousse. However, for those who don't like banana, the layer of banana pulp can be pretty overpowering.

The Ice-Cream Gallery
491 River Valley Road
#01-20 Valley Point
Singapore 248371
Tel: 6235 0870


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